The North Branch of National Oceanic Administration Apologizes to Lawyer Tang Huadong for Providing Oil Fingerprint Identification Reports with Errors

Release time:2013-09-07 14:16

The North Branch of National Oceanic Administration Apologizes to Lawyer Tang Huadong for Providing Oil Fingerprint Identification Reports with Errors

On August 30 Deputy Director Wang Bin and his colleague from the North Branch of the National Oceanic Administration went to Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm specifically to apologize to lawer Tang Huadong for errors in the Oil Fingerprint Identification Reports. According to their explanation the latitudes and longtitudes in some reports were mistakenly marked due to negligence of the staff at the Environmental Test Center of the North Branch. They came all the way to the Firm in order to provide ten new reports.
Lawyer Tang Huadong had put forward his own suggestions regarding the sampling methods and criteria, the identification methods and technology, and the identification conclusions etc in the ConocoPhillips oilspill accident. He expressed his concern at the occurrence of such mistakes. He sincerely hoped that the National Oceanic Administration would take seriously the legitimate grievance of the fishermen in Shandong Province, and take measures as soon as possible to restore the polluted marine and fishery ecology of Bohai Bay.

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