Identification Report on Oil Fingerprint for Bohai Bay Oil Spill Obtained and Conclusion of no Pollution to Shandong Coastal Waters Hopefully Reversed

Release time:2013-08-09 15:23

Identification Report on Oil Fingerprint for Bohai Bay Oil Spill Obtained and Conclusion of no Pollution to Shandong Coastal Waters Hopefully Reversed

After three months filled of difficulties and hardship since application, lawyers Tang Huadong and Sun Peng from Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm finally received the Information Disclosure Notification by the North Branch of the State Oceanic Administration.

The Notification revealed the identification processes, the colleting methods of polluted oil, and the criterion (GB/T 21247-2007) adopted for the identifications undertaken fromJune 2011 to July 2013. According to the Notification, during this period a total of 105 batches of polluted oil samples were collected and identified, which satisfied the quantity of 294 samples required by the analysis and identification criterion. The Notification also provided attachments of the 105 Identification Reports.

Lawyer Tang said he would consult experts and have further study on the 105 reports. On August 20 he asked the North Branch whether they revealed all of the 105 reports or only part of the reports they had made so far. If only a part, what was the basis and criterion for selection? On the afternoon of the same day, the North Branch replied and said the published reports were on all the identifications they had undertaken since June 2011.

Meanwhile, lawyer Ge Qingqing of the Group of ConocoPhillips Lawsuits had found out 8 Reports, which showed that the identification of fingerprints of spilled oil collected from the area around Penglai PL19-3B/C oil platform in Shandong were inconsistent with the oil fingerprints registered. This means that the assertation the fishermen in Shandong Province can not be compensated due to the the inconsistence of oil fingerprints will be reversed. Moreover, the Reports show that the Beihai Sea Monitoring Center of the State Oceanic Administration had found the oil spill accident on June 9, 2011 but the Administration failed to declare it until July 1, 2011. This is thought-provoking.

Deheng Law Group has uploaded and published the 105 Reports on its official website:, as materials shared with experts for consultation and resources contributed to society, and with the will to awaken the awareness of protecting the environment of Bohai Sea.

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