Professor Wang Chunhui Attended "Interlaw" Internet Law Firm Product Seminar in Qingdao

Release time:2015-10-27 09:54

Professor Wang Chunhui Attended "Interlaw" Internet Law Firm Product Seminar in Qingdao

October 24, Mr. Wang Chunhui, professor of Nanjing University of Posts And Telecommunications and internet expert, attended the seminar of Deheng "Interlaw" internet law firm product. Officers from Qingdao Intellectual Property Bureau, Qingdao Local Tax Bureau and Qingdao Municipal Justice Bureau along with members of product design team attended the seminar.
The experts highly commended the innovation, novelty and practicability of “Interlaw” internet law firm product and offered many constructive suggestions for the product.
Ms. Hu Ming (vice-chairman of Deheng Law Firm) hosted the seminar. Mr. Wang Pengfei (partner of Deheng Law Firm), Mr. Ma Xiannian (executive director of Shandong Deheng Law Firm Gaoxin District Office) and Mr. Chi Wenbin (vice-director of information department of Deheng Law Firm) briefed the idea, design scheme and development schedule on behalf of the design team.

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