Lawyers Meiping Zhang and Shaoping Yang Attend Legal Training for Foreign Investment in Australia

Release time:2015-10-23 09:35

Lawyers Meiping Zhang and Shaoping Yang Attend Legal Training for Foreign Investment in Australia

Selected jointly by Shandong Provincial Justice Department, Provincial Lawyers Association, Administration of Provincial Commerce and the Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, lawyers Ms. Meiping Zhang and Mr. Shaoping (Raymond) Yang, of Shandong Deheng Law Firm, attended the fifth legal training on international trade disputes. This training project in Melbourne involves 100 attorneys and started on September 10, 2015. Mr. Yang acts as the Deputy Chief of delegation.
In addition to the legal training, are activities that connect legal professionals from the two countries. Deheng lawyers participated in the 2015 Victoria Bar Summit, Asian Australian Leadership Forum held by the Asian Australian Lawyer Association, and visited Parliament of Victoria where they interacted with legislators. 



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