DHH Moscow Office Signed A Cooperation Agreement with Yantai Sino-Russian Technology Industrialization Cooperation and Promotion Center

Release time:2015-10-15 09:44

DHH Moscow Office Signed A Cooperation Agreement with Yantai Sino-Russian Technology Industrialization Cooperation and Promotion Center

October 4, Mr. Lu Sentong (director of Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office) signed “Framework Agreement for High-End Talent Communication and Innovation” with Mr. Zhang Renzhong (director of Yantai Sino-Russian Technology Industrialization Cooperation and Promotion Center) in Moscow president hotel, marking the friendly relations and steady communication channel between the two units have been established.
Yantai Sino-Russian Technology Industrialization Cooperation and Promotion Center, set up by Ministry of Science and Technology, is a national model base for developing high-tech industrialization cooperation between China and Russia. Based on the agreement, Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office will provide legal services for the Promotion Center and introduce and recommend related Russian enterprises to invest and perform business in Shandong province.

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