Congratulations for the Establishment of CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office

Release time:2015-10-15 09:46

Congratulations for the Establishment of CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office

October 9, local time, the opening ceremony of China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (CASME) Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow office was held in Moscow Russia Ukraine hotel cologne hall. Mr. Luan Shaohu (executive director of All China Lawyer Association (ACLA), chairman of the partner conference of Deheng Law Firm) hosted the ceremony, Ms. Jiangwei (consul-general of Chinese Embassy in Russia), Ms. Liu Lida(vice-president of Russian China-Russia Friendship Association), Ms. Cai Guiru (president of Russian Chinese Chamber of Commerce), Ms. Yuanyi (vice-president of The Russian Federation of Chinese Organization, vice-president of China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful of Russian), Mr. Xu Jinli (representative of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade of Russian), Professor. Jermine (Moscow State University), and Chinese, overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese merchants, and legal professions attended the ceremony.
During the ceremony, Mr. Jiangqi (president of China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises) and Mr. Liu Kejiang (executive director of Beijing DHH Law Firm) reported details of the establishment of CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand to audiences. Mr. Jiangqi emphasized that the establishment of CASME Russia Legal Service Center will extremely accelerates international trade between Russia and China, promote Russian Chinese small and medium enterprises operate lawfully, and protect legal rights and interests of Russia Chinese small and medium enterprises. Mr. Liu Kejiang pointed out that the purpose of Beijing DHH Law Firm establishing brands worldwide is to provide personalize services for overseas Chinese small and medium enterprises, and to make sure the legality and security of their investment behavior in foreign country. Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand will devote itself to provide services for Chinese small and medium enterprises investment. 
CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand could not establish without the help and support of overseas Chinese in Russia and personages of all circle. Many guests were invited to give speeches on the ceremony. Ms. Jiangwei expressed great expectations in the speech. She hopes that CASME Russia Legal Service Center can research and analyze difficulties of overseas Chinese small and medium enterprises, and provide protections for them to realize their “China Dream”. Ms. Cai expressed that she hopes CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand can set down roots, and Russian Chinese Chamber of Commerce will provide substantial help for CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand. She believes our cooperation can be expected soon. Mr. Yuanyi announced that CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand joining The Russian Federation of Chinese Organization and becoming one of the standing council units. In addition, Ms. Liu Lida, Professor. Jermine, and other guests were invited to make speeches, and celebrated the establishment of CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand.
After that, Ms. Jiangwei, Ms. Cai Guiru, Ms. Liu Lida, Mr. Yunayi, Mr. Xu Jinli, Professor. Jermine and other guests together with Mr. Jiangqi and Mr. Liu Kejiang inaugurated for CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm. Meanwhile, Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand engaged Ms. Cai Guiru, Mr. Yuanyi, Mr. Cibot (representative of Sino-Russian friendly people), and Mr. Chen Zhigang (president of The Russian Chamber of Commerce St. Petersburg Brand) as counselor, and issued the appointment letters to them. After the opening ceremony, guests had dinner together and expressed their best wishes.
The establishment of CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Brand embodied the strategy of “One-to-One” raised by President Xi Jinlping (People’s Republic of China) and the roadmap of “Eurasian Union” raised by President Putin (Russia), followed the deployment of “Going-out” raised by Department of Justice and ACLA, and kept in step with the requirement of “providing protections for small and medium enterprises” raised by China Small and Medium Enterprises Association. We believe that CASME Russia Legal Service Center and Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow office will provide effective legal protections for international trade and investment between Russia and China, and must make a due contribution to the development of China-Russia relations.

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