Profit Ranking of Global Law Firms’ Clients listed on the AIM of the UK Disclosed,DHH Client Ranks 2nd in China and 19th Globally

Release time:2017-03-22 11:30

The MorningStar is a reputable research institute providing investors with professional financial information and analysis of funds and stocks. Recently MorningStar released the rankings of profits of clients of global law firms. The client of Beijing DHH Law Firm ranks 2nd  in China and 19th globally, fully indicating the higher profitability of Beijing DHH Law Firm’s clientele listed on the AIM of the UK and recognizing the excellent performance of the Securites Team in respect of the AIM listing in the UK.

In April and August two Chinese companies Naibu Global and China Chaintek were respectively listed on the AIM of the UK. The senior partner of Deheng Law Group Ding XU and lawyer A Zhen provided full legal services for the listings.    

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