Lawyers Wang Haijun and Xu Hongliang on behalf of Victims and China Environmental Federation Sue the State Oceanic Administration

Release time:2013-08-13 15:28

Lawyers Wang Haijun and Xu Hongliang on behalf of Victims and China Environmental Federation Sue the State Oceanic Administration

On August 2nd lawyers Wang Haijun from Beijing DHH Law Firm and Xu Hongliang from Shandong Deheng (Beijing) Law Firm filed an administrative lawsuit against the State Oceanic Administration with the First Intermediate People’s Court of Beijing on behalf of a Villagers Committee from Dongying City, Dongying Shunhe Aquatic Co., Ltd. and Dongying Xinhai Aquatic Co., Ltd. They request the court to adjudicate the illegality of the State Oceanic Administration’s failure to make or enact a plan for the compensation of the ecological pollution of Bohai Bay.  The prosecution asserts that this such failure led the State Oceanic Administration to infringe their legitimate property rights.  The prosecution also requests the court to mandate the State Oceanic Administration immediately take measures to restore and protect the ecological environment of Bohai Sea, using the funds from the 1.09 billion compensation paid by CNOOC and the 1.13 hundred million compensation paid by ConocoPhillips China.
Also on August 2nd, the above mentioned lawyers, brought an administrative lawsuit against the State Oceanic Administration on behalf of the China Environmental Federation. They request the court to adjudicate on the illegality of the State Oceanic Administration’s approval of re-operation of Penglai 19-3 Oilfield by ConocoPhillips China. It was reported that these two lawyers had previously filed an application for administrative review in respect to this approval but were rejected by the State Oceanic Administration, which to date has not corrected its illegal act.
The court accepted the bills of complaint and relevant documents and registered the above two filings but has not offered a clear reply as to whether it will accept these cases. The cases, they said, will be subject to instruction and further discussion. 

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