Liu Kejiang Interviewed by Economic Herald on Risk Management in Overseas M&A

Release time:2013-09-11 11:03

Liu Kejiang Interviewed by Economic Herald on Risk Management in Overseas M&A

On Septermber 5th the Deputy Director and Senior Partner Liu Kejiang of Deheng Law Group was interviewed by the Economic Herald on the management of risks in overseas M&A.

Lawyer Liu Kejiang has participated in many M&A projects in the mining, manufacturing, medicine, IT and food industries. “The economic crisis in the US and Europe provide Chinese enterprises with opportunities for overseas M&A”, Mr Liu said: ” but Chinese enterprises going abroad was full of risks.” To avoid legal risks, he said, the safest way is to hire professional agencies to conduct due diligence.

He also stressed the following as being crucial to a M&A project: the formulation of M&A strategy, the design of the transaction structure, issues concerning the environment and labor, the avoidance of anti-monopoly and national security, property settlement and  integration after the completion of M&A. He suggested that domestic enterprises should recognize the importance of laws, contracts and the role of professional agencies, and carefully draft legal instruments during the whole process of M&A.

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