Director Jiang Qi and Lawyer Ji Cheng Visit Hong Kong W. K. To & Co.

Release time:2013-10-08 10:14

Director Jiang Qi and Lawyer Ji Cheng Visit Hong Kong W. K. To & Co.

On October 9 Jiang Qi, the Executive Chairman of ECLA and Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, and Ji Cheng, the Secretary-general of ECLA and Standing Deputy Director of DHH Law Firm, visited the Beijing office of Hong Kong law firm W. K. To & Co. The guests were received by Director Du Weiqiang, and partners Zhang Yi and Zhang Lixia. This was the second time for the group to meet after their meeting at the 4th Partner Representative Meeting of ECLA on September 27.

W. K. To & Co, one of the key law firms in Hong Kong, was founded in 1985 and its Beijing Office was established in 1996. Its clients are mainly cross-border enterprises, listed corporations, banks and financial institutions etc.. Director Du Weiqiang is licensed in Hong Kong, the U.K., Singapore and the state of Victoria, Australia.

As an observer firm of ECLA, W. K. To & Co. has been actively participating in the Alliance’s various activities. During this month’s meeting the two sides discussed issues regarding further cooperation, market expansion and the development of ECLA etc.

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