Magazines “Legal Person” and “Chinese Lawyer” Publish Articles “The Boundary Between Legality and Illegality of Arbitrage Trading” and “Legal Problems of Arbitrage” by Qiang Qi

Release time:2013-10-03 10:05

Magazines “Legal Person” and “Chinese Lawyer” Publish Articles “The Boundary Between Legality and Illegality of Arbitrage Trading” and “Legal Problems of Arbitrage” by Qiang Qi

Two articles “The Boundary Between Legality and Illegality of Arbitrage Trading” and “Legal Problems of Arbitrage” jointly written by Jiang Qi, Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, and lawyer Zhang Qian, were published in the 9th issue of “Legal Person” and the 10th issue of “Chinese Lawyer”. The articles mainly examined arbitrage trading problems in the areas of trade and finance etc. Using charts and texts the writers summarized the business models and legal framework of arbitrage trading and analyzed the legitimate space and illegal risks of arbitrage trading under the current system. Their aim was to find the balance between profit and policy so as to grasp development trends and the newly emerging arbitrage opportunities of arbitrage trading.  

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