DHH Lawyers Attend 2013 International IP Enforcement Conference in Dublin

Release time:2013-11-05 10:01

DHH Lawyers Attend 2013 International IP Enforcement Conference in Dublin

From October 14th to 18th Director Liu Jiqing of International Practice and lawyer Ge Liang attended the 2013 International IP Enforcement Conference in Dublin, Ireland. This Conference focused on explanations of advanced cases and discussion on experience with various nations’ IP laws, brand protection and enforcement crackdown etc.

Chinese attendees also included Director Wang Zhiguang from the IP Section of  the Economic Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and Director Li Qunying from the IP Section of the General Administration of Customs. DHH lawyers had multifaceted communications and exchanges regarding IP legal services with the other attendees, especially with the abovementioned officers.

DHH lawyers demonstrated the professionalism and legal service ability of their Firm, and, expanded on ways of domestic IP protection via communication with enforcement officers.

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