Article by Hu Ming Wins Excellence Award at 25th Annual Conference of Law Society of Sub-Provincial Cities

Release time:2013-11-05 10:02

Article by Hu Ming Wins Excellence Award at 25th Annual Conference of Law Society of Sub-Provincial Cities

The 25th Annual Conference of the Law Society of Sub-Prrovincial Cities, representing 15 sub-provincial cities, had as its theme “The Theory and Practice of Construction of Cities under the Rule of Law.”  The means of communication at the Conference was the exchange of articles, discussion, etc, attracting very favorable comment by experts, scholars and legal practitioners.

Ninety five articles were awarded prizes at the Conference. The article “To Innovate the Mode for Resolving Social Conflicts” by Mr Hu Ming, Director of Shandong Deheng Law Firm, won the Conference’s “Award of Excellence”.

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