Director Liu Kejiang lectures on legal practice of foreign-related disputes to Binzhou lawyers

Release time:2020-11-06 16:00
On Oct. 29, the city's foreign-related dispute resolution legal practical training class officially opened in Binzhou. Binzhou Municipal Bureau of Justice and Binzhou Lawyers Association invited Liu Kejiang, Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, and Senior Partner, to give lectures to the class through the invitation of Director Han Xiaofeng. Su Xianzhong, vice president of Binzhou Lawyers Association presided over the activity, and more than 60 lawyers from Shandong Deheng (Binzhou) Law Firm attended the training.

Director Liu Kejiang based on the current situation of enterprises to "go global", the common problems they are facing, the risks and opportunities of foreign investment and trade, and the guidance of knowledge modules such as overseas business compliance management. Experiences and lessons learned from participating in the handling of foreign-related legal affairs. Director Liu Kejiang has won the full recognition of the participating lawyers with his broad vision, rich experience, deep theoretical foundation, and practical case-handling skills. Everyone said that Binzhou, which is accelerating, has more and more foreign-related legal affairs and more and more complicated. This training is very valuable. Everyone learned dry goods, broadened the horizons, and enhanced the capabilities, which can be said to have benefited a lot.

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