Lawyer Miller, Senior Consultant of DHH, was interviewed by Hainan Sansha News Channel

Release time:2020-11-04 15:08
A few days ago, the "Hainan Free Trade Port Rule of Law and Innovation International Summit Forum and the Eighteenth Partner Conference of the Global Elite Law Firm Alliance (EGLA)" was successfully held at the Mission Hills International Conference Center in Haikou. More than 100 global boutiques from China and overseas Lawyers and partners from the member law firms of the Law Firm Alliance gathered online and offline to discuss the rule of law and innovation in the free trade port with government representatives and legal elites from the Hainan Free Trade Port. Among them, the expert speech was broadcast live on the global network, has been widely concerned by the community. The total number of broadcasted more than 400,000.

 Ms. Christine Miles (Miller), foreign counsel of Beijing DHHLaw Firm (DHH), was invited to attend this meeting and deliver the keynote speeches as international lawyers. On the topic of "African Free Trade Area — A Model for Cooperation", she shared the recent African Free Trade Agreement signed by African countries and its impact on China, which attracted much attention from both on-site and online participants. 

During the break, Sansha News Channel interviewed Mr. Miller on the development and practice of investors and lawyers in the Hainan Free Trade Port. The Hainan Free Trade Port provides a good opportunity for foreign companies, and for lawyers to practice in Hainan is a good opportunity to help clients develop their business in Hainan and with other countries, "Mr. Miro said in the interview."  

This Summit is based on the spirit of rule of law and the construction of free trade port. It has been a great success in promoting the legalization of Hainan free trade port.


EGLA is committed to becoming one of the world's largest collaborative platforms of independent law firms, with the mission and goal of providing high-quality, low-cost, cross-regional and national legal services. By 2020, EGLA has established 100 member law firms covering more than 20 countries including China, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and Russia, and has more than 10000 member lawyers. Beijing DHH Law Firm, as one of the main initiators of EGLA, has maintained an annual growth rate of more than 35% over the past 5 years by virtue of professional strength and integrated management. Use elite lawyers to provide domestic and foreign clients with one-stop professional, quality and efficient commercial legal services with international vision and local advantages. 

Introduction to Lawyer Christine Miles

Senior Advisor

Christine Miles (Milo), a Senior Foreign Law Counsel at Beijing DHH Law Firm, has been admitted to practice as a French legal counsel to China and is the French government's foreign trade counsel to China. Prior to joining DHH, Christine (Milo) worked with Kidd LLP in its Paris and Beijing offices. During the eight years of working in the Paris office of Kidd Law Firm, Christine provided legal services to the government and issued legal opinions on major matters such as the sale, privatization or reorganization of many companies owned by the French government , including the privatization of the three French highway franchise companies (Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône, Autoroutes du Sud de la France and Sanef), the Paris Airport-Amsterdam Airport Schiphol joint venture, the sale of Alstom and SEMMARIS-Rungis market company equity , acquired the shares of French boat manufacturer Chantiers de l'Atlantique (STX France) from South Korean shareholders. In China, Christine provides legal services for European companies investing in China, as well as Chinese companies investing in Europe and Africa and other related legal affairs.

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