The customs team of Beijing DHH Law Firm was invited to give a presentation for the “828” trading festival of Frozen Port.

Release time:2020-09-09 16:09
On August 28, 2020, at the invitation of China Cold Chain Industry Investment (Group) Co., Ltd., Lawyer Peng Yong, senior partner of Beijing DHH Law Firm, co-director of the head office and director of the customs team, participated in the frozen goods trading port "828 "Trade Festival, and gave a special speech on the prevention of criminal risks in the import and export trade of frozen products for more than 100 frozen products trading companies participating in this trading festival.

The speech of Lawyer Peng Yong  was titled "Prevention and Control of Frozen Products Import and Export and Related Enterprise Smuggling Crime Risks". Comparing the big data of frozen products smuggling cases in 2018 to the data in 2019, he systematically analyzed the criminal characteristics of current frozen products smuggling cases , frozen products smuggling target and quantity, smuggling method, cause, situation and area of crime, vividly expounded the smuggling crime risks faced by frozen products import and export enterprises, and provided solutions to prevent and control risks.

Under the leadership of Director Peng Yong, the legal affairs team of Beijing DHH Customs has been committed to the special research and promotion of policies and regulations in the field of customs law and smuggling crime defense, escorting import and export enterprises in the process of international trade, and guiding enterprises to abide by the law.  The team of lawyers successfully defended the parties involved in a series of major smuggling crimes and handled a large number of customs legal disputes properly.

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