Beijing DHH Law Firm and National Space Science Data Center signed the Agreement on Strategic Cooperation successfully.

Release time:2020-09-09 16:08
On the afternoon of September 2, 2020, Beijing DHH Law Firm and the National Space Science Data Center held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony on scientific data life cycle legal compliance matters. Lawyer Zhao Ying, Senior Partner and Management Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, Lawyer Xin Xiaotian, Partner, Director of Internet and TMT Business Center, Lawyer Zhou Yang, Partner, Deputy Director of Internet and TMT Business Center, Attorney Yang Xuejiao, Assistant Lawyer Yang Yue Qi attended the signing ceremony together. The representatives of both parties signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Zhao Ying and Ms. Tong Jizhou.

At the signing ceremony, Zhao Ying, senior partner and management director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, introduced the development process, working mechanism, internet and TMT business center, and development strategy and goals of Beijing DHH Law Firm and expressed the desire to work together with the National Space Science Data Center.

China's National Space Science Data Center Tong Jizhou, director of the space science center, briefed Beijing DHH Law Firm on the cooperation vision, hoping to take the lead in data compliance practices in respect of data in the field of national space science with priority given by the State and conduct long-term exchange and cooperation with Beijing DHH Law Firm in regard to scientific data.

Finally, Zhou Yang, Partner of Beijing DHH Law Firm and Deputy Director of Internet and TMT Business Center, introduced the background and content of the cooperation, as well as the characteristics and compliance priorities of scientific data.

The National Space Science Data Center is the only national science data center in the field of space science in China officially recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance. It is a national science and technology innovation base for basic support and conditional guarantee. The data center is based on the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is jointly constructed and operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Lunar Exploration Engineering Center), the University of Science and Technology of China, the National Time Service Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The data center is an important part of the Space Science Laboratory of the Comprehensive National Science Center in Huairou, Beijing. It is an official member of the World Data System (WDS) and an academic paper association data repository recognized by the American Geophysical Society (AGU). The mission of the National Space Science Data Center is to promote the orderly exchange, standardized management and open sharing of data resources in the field of space science, ensure the safety of scientific data, develop an autonomous and controllable scientific data innovation application ecosystem, and promote a data-driven scientific research paradigm, strives to improve the efficient use of scientific data.

Join hands to seek development, win-win spectrum new chapter! The signing ceremony in a harmonious atmosphere in the successful conclusion, both sides at the signing of the staff in front of the table to take pictures and witness the sharing of this joyful moment. 

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