DHH Lawyer conducts a civil code lecture for China Foreign Exchange Trading Center

Release time:2020-08-19 16:15
On August 6, 2020, Lawyer Lou He, a senior co-partner of Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm, was invited by China Foreign Exchange Trading Center (National Interbank Funding Center) to launch a theme training "Civil Code and Our Life"  for the employees of the trading center. This training event was hosted by Liu Changxue, Deputy General Manager of the Risk Management Department of the Trading Center. Leaders such as Party Committee Member and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee Ying Zhaoxiang, and Deputy General Manager Du Li of the Risk Management Department attended the event.

The training mainly included six aspects: an overview of the Civil Code, new changes in marriage relations, wills and inheritance, housing rights, personal information and privacy protection and guarantee methods. Starting with the newly added and amended provisions in the Civil Code, Lou made detailed decisions focusing on the notification obligation of major illnesses during marriage, the cooling-off period for divorce, family agency rights, joint debts between husband and wife, personal privacy protection in daily life, new wills, and right of residence and other hot topics closely related to the people such as "house for the elderly" with a good role in law popularization. In particular, discussions with the on-site personnel on popular topics such as the impact of the right of residence on real estate transactions, housing prices, and the "marriage cooling-off period" were very popular.

This training is aimed at publicizing the Civil Code, which is close to daily life and highly praised by the staff of CFETS. Training activities synchronized with the use of on-site lectures, video connection, attracted from the trading center departments and affiliated companies to participate in more than a hundred employees, with a good law dissemination effect. 

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