DHH and Italian Fashion Association jointly hold a webinar

Release time:2020-08-03 16:17
On 21 July 2020, Christine Miles, French qualified lawyer and Foreign Senior Counsel of Beijing DHH specializing in FDI and Outbound investment, and Cui Chunhua, Partner of Beijing DHH specializing in Intellectual Property, provided legal training for Italian Fashion Industry Association and its Members in a Webinar held jointly by Italian Fashion Industry Association, R&P LEGAL studio associate and Beijing DHH Law Firm. 

The Webinar is held mainly for introduction and official launch of Guideline on International Agreements for Fashion Industry drafted jointly by lawyers from R&P LEGAL studio associate and Beijing DHH Law Firm to Italian Fashion Industry Association and its Members, among which, Christine and Chunhua are in charge of the China Section. The Guideline provides guidance on the legal issues that should be paid attention to in the cooperation between foreign fashion enterprises and their Chinese partners, especially in the drafting and signing of international sales contracts, distribution agreements and licensing agreements, which are of interest to members of the Italian Fashion Industry Association. The Guideline has been made available to more than 15,000 members companies of the Italian Fashion Industry Association in the fashion business in Italy on July 21, 2020.  

In addition to the Guideline, another focus of the meeting is the recent development and hot issues related to international trade and Intellectual Property.  

Concerning the special situation of COVID-19 in China, Italy and in the world recently, Force Majeure matter becomes a key concern in the execution and implementation of international contracts. Christine introduced Force Majeure event related laws, cases, and practices in China for COVID-19 and provided practical recommendations for businesses facing disruption of supply chain, delivery issues or difficulties in performing contracts. 

Chunhua introduced some latest development and hot issues on Intellectual Property Protection and Brand Licensing issues in China, especially focused on bad-faith preemptive trademark application, counterfeiting and infringement and recent Judgment of China Supreme Court on OEM cases. Meanwhile, she provided some practical advice for foreign fashion companies working with Chinese partners to properly protect their IP rights in China. 

There were representatives of the companies from more than 20 Italian fashion brands attended the training and they show high interests in the topics concerned.  Italian Fashion Industry Association expressed its high praise and gratitude on the works conducted by Christine and Chunhua in drafting the Guideline and on the wonderful presentation. 

Chunhua Cui (Iris)
Partner, Attorney at Law, Trademark Attorney 
Professional Experience
Ms. Cui has more than 14 years of experience in intellectual property field in top tier law firms/ IP firms.
She has extensive experiences in providing comprehensive legal service to international and local clients in respect of overall IP strategy, handling domestic and trademark prosecution cases, copyright and domain name matters and intellectual property related disputes and litigation cases.

She worked for thousands of clients including SK Group; Samsung Electronics; Italy Fashion Industry Association; ITW(Illinois Tool Works); Jones Apparel; Real Madrid; GlaxoSmithKline, MICHAEL TYSON;  CCTV.com(China Central Television, China’ s biggest state owned TV channel) , COFCO(one of China’s biggest food supply company) ; HuacePictures (famous media company);  DHgate (famous cross border e-commerce company); Beijing Yushiyuan (a famous Chinese food company), and Neimenggu University in fields of electronics, chemistry,  machinery, apparels, cosmetics, foods, pharmacy and etc.
Ms. Cui is awarded as the “Recognized Lawyer” by Power National IP Forum 2019. She is the board member of China Korean Intellectual Property Attorneys (CKIPA) and Beijing International Economic Law Society; mentor of Intellectual Property Law of a state-owned enterprises and Korean Companies in China. Meanwhile, she attended INTA International Trademark Association (INTA) annual meetings held in the US for several times and has been lecturer of several international and domestic conferences like Best Practice Seminar 2019 held by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); Korean Licensing Conference 2019; Comparative Symposium on IPR protection system of China and Korea.  She is the author of several articles including Analysis on Risk of Trademark Infringement of “Parallel Imported Goods” and Retails Sales on Cross-Border E-commerce Platforms; Problem and Solution on Intellectual Property Protection for Foreign Enterprises in China; Trademark Rights in Company Merger and Acquisitio

Tel: +86 13810799060
Mail: cuichunhua@deheng.com

Christine Miles

Christine Miles, senior foreign legal consultant of Beijing DHH Law Firm, is a licensed attorney in France and Foreign Trade Advisor for the French government in China. Before joining DHH, Christine Miles worked in the French law firm Gide in Paris and Beijing. During her eight years in Gide in Paris, she has advised the French State on the selling or restructuring of its shareholdings in various companies, including the privatization of the three French motorway concession companies (Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône, Autoroutes du Sud de la France and Sanef), the Aeroport de Paris – Schiphol Amsterdam Airport alliance, the sale of stake in Alstom and SEMMARIS – Rungis market company, the acquisition of a shareholding in the French vessels manufacturer Chantiers de l'Atlantique (STX France) from the Korean shareholder. In China, Christine provides legal services for European companies investing in China or cooperating with Chinese partners and for Chinese companies investing in Europe and Africa and other relevant legal issues.

Mail: christinemiles@deheng.com
Tel: +86 13910047993

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