Relax, Happy, Recharge, Chase Dreams! Deheng Lawyers' Day

Release time:2020-08-04 15:44

Sing and dance, and sing "My Motherland and Me" together in Lover Dam of Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center;
Climb high and overlook the beautiful scenery of Qingdao in the HNA Wanbang Center;
Feast your eyes and enjoy Russian landscape oil paintings in Qingdao City Art Museum;
Have a drink and sing the wine at the Laoshan venue of the Qingdao Beer Festival;
Brainstorming and discussing "Hometown Culture and Inheritance" in Qingdao Office

From July 31st to August 2nd, Deheng Law Group held the second Lawyers Festival. Partners, lawyers, and employees from nearly 50 offices of the group at home and abroad gathered together, relaxed, happy, recharged, and chasing dreams. Own Lawyer's Day!


Sing a Song Together in Lover Dam

On the morning of August 1st, partners and lawyer staff representatives from nearly 50 offices of Deheng Law Group at home and abroad, dressed in customized T-shirts for Lawyers’ Day, were singing "My Motherland and Me" together in Lover Dam of Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center, surrounded by blue sky, white clouds, high mountains, and deep seas. 
The Youth Work Committee, the Chorus, and the "People's Lawyers, We Three" pop-up event pushed the happy atmosphere to a climax.
The day of the event coincided with the "August 1st" Army Day, and Deheng Law Group's Party and Mass Studio sent warm wishes to lawyers of the military family and thanked them for their silent dedication to supporting their families to defend their homes and build peace.
The Lover Dam of Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center is 534 meters long and 47 meters wide. It is like a giant dragon diving into the blue sea. There are music, beer, and sound of ocean waves. Looking to the north is the HNA Wanbang Center, where the Qingdao office of Deheng Group is located, and the Olympic Cloud Torch Square, May Fourth Square, and Music Square are lined up from west to east, making there romantic, enthusiastic, and fashionable. It is a good place to hang out with friends on weekends.
Going on a tour around Lover Dam together with colleagues, "Deheng and me are heart-to-heart."


"Watching the mountains", "viewing the sea" and "Feeling the city"
"Watching the mountains", "watching the sea", "feeling city"... Entering the HNA Wanbang Center, between the sea and the sky, you can enjoy the city scenery of Qingdao's mountain and sea.
The Qingdao office of Deheng Law Group is located at HNA Wanbang Center, No. 2 Hong Kong Middle Road, Qingdao, on the 34th floor (Shandong Deheng Law Firm), 10th floor (Beijing Deheheng Qingdao Law Firm), and 4th floor (Deheng Group Cultural Center). We open the door of hometown, smiling to welcome brothers and sisters.
Some colleagues from various offices of the Group took in the scenery of Qingdao in "Broad Sea and Sky" area, or stopped and read in front of the "Partner Standard Image" wall, or checked in to commemorate the European-style "Dehe and Deheng" Square, or enjoyed Russian and North Korean oil painting at the Group Cultural Center on the fourth floor, feeling the atmosphere of “hometown”... These activities further promoted the integration of the group's 58 offices inside and outside the country.


Enjoy the Russian Art Exhibition

Sponsored by Qingdao Publishing Group, Beijing Ebo Exhibition Co., Ltd., etc., Deheng Blue Ocean Art Museum undertakes and provides excellent paintings- the "2020 Russian Landscape Oil Painting Exhibition" held at Qingdao City Art Museum (June 13, 2020-August 1, 2020)  welcomed the family members of Deheng Law Group from afar before the perfect curtain call of the painting exhibition. 

There were seven units in the exhibition, namely, Russia's Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, Selected Works of Veterans of the Russian Patriotic War, and the Russian National Museum.... Under the guidance of Mr. Xun Xu, Senior Advisor and Art Director of Deheng Law Group, we enjoyed the charm of Russian paintings and encouraged by the positive efforts from Deheng Law Group for cultural exchanges between China and Russia.

In Qingdao, the Beer Festival was indispensable. The 2nd Lawyers’ Day of Deheng Law Group was held in Laoshan where the Beer Festival took place. We enjoyed the carnival by singing for our brighter outlook, toasting up for our ambitious.

Encouragement through Business Discussions

On July 31, at the 2nd Lawyers' Festival of Deheng Law Group, the Seminar on the Construction of Super 2020 and the Integration of the Business of Deheng Law Group, the Assessment of the Qualification of Deheng Law Group for Securities Business, the Promotion Association of Deheng Law Group for the Strategy of Developing Internationalized Business Talents, and the Work Communication Meeting for the Management Directors of the Offices Directly under the General Office,Deheng Law Group Youth Working Committee Reorganization Conference and other meetings were held. We were charged, refueled, and encouraged!

The seminar on the integration of Super 2020 construction and Group Business Integration focused on the technology-led development. With the support of science and technology, law firms will greatly enhance their competitiveness, which will strengthen the whole Deheng Law Group. Reginal offices will closely follow the pace of Super 2020 to achieve all-in-one connection and common progress.

The qualification evaluation commission for securities business and the seminar on serving listed companies kept a close eye on the changes of the international situation and the securities supervision environment. The participants carried out adequate communication on the current securities business qualification access system, quality control internal check system, securities business development, business handling, business cooperation, resource sharing, talent training and other aspects. The meeting put forward the development direction of the future securities business team, enhanced the team's belief and cohesion, and reserved confidence and strength for coping with changes in the capital securities market.

The strategic association for the Promotion of Internationalized Business Talent Cultivation of Deheng Law Group attracted dozens of directors of overseas offices, partner lawyers who practice international business, members of business scheduling center, members of the international department, and recruitment of returnees in spring gathered on the main venue of Qingdao, and offices of overseas branches. The domestic branch venues in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Jinan and other places are connected simultaneously. In light of the impact of the epidemic, the meeting analyzed the expansion path of internationalized regional business, shared experience in foreign-related business development, and "embrace the world without changing the original intention."

Deheng Law Group’s Youth Work Committee reorganization work conference with the theme of "Youth Flying" proposed a mission for the new Youth Work Committee: to integrate responsibilities and missions into the business, and to help young lawyers to develop their business in a systematic manner. Help young lawyers, assistants, and legal secretaries everywhere to realize their dream of being a barrister.

At the work exchange meeting for the management directors of the offices of the direct management offices, the management directors of the five direct management offices from the Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Jinan offices conducted in-depth discussions and discussions on the work responsibilities and roles of the management director of the law firm During the exchange, everyone expressed that they would enhance their sense of responsibility, improve the management director's work system, and play a greater role and value in implementing the group's partner meetings and management committee work arrangements, and in managing and serving all the personnel of the group.

To temper a learning organization, the book "100 Resource Platforms" of Deheng Lawyers Group was officially released, with the "100 Legal Products" compiled by the previous twelve business centers of the group coordinating the development of the group's lawyers.

Dream chaser

August 2, the second Deheng Lawyers' Day, "Group Home Culture and Firewood Heritage Seminar" held as scheduled. Legal experts from China University of Political Science and Law, China Ocean University, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao University and other colleges and universities gather with more than 200 partners and representatives of lawyers and employees of Deheng Law Group to exchange ideas.

In December 1993, Shandong Deheng Law Firm was established. Cherishing the ideal of "a hundred lawyers and a hundred years' plan," Since 1998, Deheng has gone out of Qingdao and into Beijing in 2008,leading the way to China and the world with more than 3000 lawyers and employees now.Shandong Deheng Law Firm and Beijing DHH Law Firm have been widely praised by their brands both inside and outside the industry. Founded in 2010, Beijing DHH Law Firm won the title of "Beijing Excellent Law Firm" due to its professional strength and integrated management. It has been published by Asian Law Magazine for many years.

The Deheng Lawyer Festical is planned in the spirit of "Happy Work", which embodies our humanistic spirit, expresses our concern for all lawyers, which is also an important measure to improve the centripetal force and cohesion of the team. Luan Shaohu, chairman of the Partners Meeting of Deheng Law Group, said that the Lawyer Festival is of great significance to stabilize the team of lawyers, improving their spiritual quality and playing a greater role in social legal services.

It is reported that Deheng Law Group intends to communicate with its competent authorities and make "Lawyer Festival for Deheng Law Group" a city business card of "Qingdao International Lawyer Festival" for the group's hometown Qingdao, so as to share lawyers' culture with Chinese lawyers and lawyers all over the world.

"We are both dreamers and practioner," he said. The pursuit of dreams requires passion and ideals, and the fulfillment of dreams requires struggle and dedication. " Luan Shaohu said that the pace of continuous learning and forge ahead is the courge of Deheng to develope and move forward today. "Looking to the future, Deheng Law Group will surely go far and steadily forward."

Deheng culture, fire inheritance, encourage lawyers, happy start!

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