The Russian Business Department of Deheng Law Group was invited to visit Shandong Enterprises Invested in Russia

Release time:2020-07-27 10:26
On July 2, 2020 and July 10, 2020, the Russian business department of Deheng Law Group was invited to visit and communicate with Zhaojin Nonferrous Mining Co., Ltd. (“Zhaojin Mining”) and Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. (“Wanhua Chemical”) respectively and was warmly received by the relevant leaders of the two companies.


During the course of communication, the two companies respectively introduced the development of their parent companies and the investment companies in Russia, and proposed relevant legal requirements for legal issues encountered in investment and operation in Russia according to the need of the current development of the enterprises.  Cheng Tao, a partner of the group and director of the Russian Business Department, introduced the development process of Deheng Law Group, and the construction of Russian branches and the conditions of serving the enterprises invested in Russia; Li Qinghua, partner of the Group, made a presentation on overseas investment in legal services. The two companies recognized and affirmed the brand and service capabilities of Deheng Law Group.

Yan Feng and other colleagues of Shandong Deheng (Yantai) Law Firm paid a visit together with the Russian business department, making use of the resource advantages accumulated by the international development of the group to develop the domestic business in the reverse direction, with effective attempts in promoting the local business development of the group branches. 

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