DHH Customs team was invited to attend the 2nd General Assembly and General Meeting of Shandong Cross-border E-commerce Association

Release time:2020-07-06 16:21
On June 23, the Shandong Cross-Border E-Commerce Association held a General Meeting and the second General Assembly, successfully elected the second council members. Lv Wei, deputy director of the Shandong Department of Commerce, and Wang Hong, director of the Foreign Trade Department, attended the meeting to guide the work. Shi Donghai, Du Peng and Sun Yi, members of the customs team of Beijing DHH Law Firm, were invited to attend the meeting and were hired as the first group of experts of the Customs and Tax Legal Advisory Professional Committee, and Shi Donghai gave the keynote speech on the Legal Risks and Corporate Compliance of Customs for Cross-border E-commerce.

Qin Changling, President of Shandong Cross-border E-commerce Association gave the work report of the first Council. In the past three years, the association has been evaluated as a “4A-level social organization”, and 15 additional regional representative offices, 4 overseas representative offices, and 3 industry branches have been established, with cross-border e-commerce salons, forums, training, trade matching, investigatio, industry competitions, and public welfare activities for nearly 80 talent recruitments, benefited more than 8,000 companies. In addition, the association gives full play to the role of a bridge link, helps enterprises to respond to problems, helps the government understand the industry, and is committed to being a good "nanny" of the enterprise and a "good helper" of the government.

The Association specially established the Professional Committee of Customs and Tax Law Consultancy at the conference, and Shi Donghai, Du Peng, Jin Yang and Sun Yi of the Customs team of Beijing DHH Law Firm were hired as the first group of experts. Du Peng and Sun Yi were appointed as the chairman and vice chairman of the committee respectively.

Next, Lawyer Shi Donghai delivered a keynote speech on "Cross-Border E-commerce Customs Legal Risk and Corporate Compliance". At the conference, he introduced Beijing DHH Law Firm and the Customs Team, and explained the risks and precautions of cross-border e-commerce industry from the professional point of view for the entrepreneurs.

The Cross-border E-commerce Association of Shandong has important industry influence in the cross-border e-commerce industry in Shandong Province. The customs team of Beijing DHH Law Firm is the leading domestic lawyer team of customs law. The combination of the two will certainly be able to better empower high-quality cross-border e-commerce enterprises in Shandong Province.

The customs team of Beijing DHH Law Firm has studied cross-border e-commerce industry deeply, represented several cross-border e-commerce smuggling cases and obtained good defense effect, accumulated rich practical experience and theoretical basis, published a series of professional articles, and aroused strong repercussions in the industry. Identify the QR code and include the Cross-Border Ecommerce Series articles in your pocket:

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