Beijing DHH Law Firm Opens New Office in Taiyuan City of Shanxi Province

Release time:2013-04-29 16:44

On April 21st, the Opening Ceremony of Taiyuan Office of Beijing DHH Law Firm, as well as a Forum on Investment and Financing Practice, was held in Jinshang International Hotel, Taiyuan City. Attendees included the Chairman of the Partners’Meeting of Deheng Law Group Mr. Luan Shaohu, the Executive Director of the Group Hu Ming, the Director of DHH Law Firm Mr Jiang Qi, representatives of the Goup’s Offices in Qingdao, Beijing, Shanghai, Jinan, Nanjing, Handan and Zhengzhou, and leaders from governmental organs of Shandong Province and Taiyuan City.

The Opening Ceremony started at 8:30am in the Congress Hall of Jinshang Hotel. The Ceremony was chaired by Director Du Hehao of Taiyuan Office. Almost 100 guests attended the ceremony, including client representatives and leaders from the Department of Justice of Shanxi Province, the Shanxi Lawyers Association, the Department of Justice of Taiyuan City and Taiyuan Lawyers Association etc.

After the Opening Ceremony a Forum on Investment and Financing Practice was held at the International Conference Center. The Forum was hosted by the Shanxi Research Society of Private Economy, assisted by the Research Society of Financial Law of Shanxi Law Society and sponsored by Beijing DHH (Taiyuan) Law Firm. About 300 participants attended the Forum, including private entrepreneurs, guests from the judicial and administrative organs of Taiyuan City, client representatives and representatives of all offices of DHH Law Firm.

The Forum was presided over by the Standing Director of the Shanxi Lawyers Association Mr. Zhao Dayong. Mr. Lang Baoshan, the Deputy President of Shanxi Research Society of Private Economy delivered opening remarks. Then Deheng lawyers spoke on the Development of Shanxi Province’s Capital Market, PE Funds, Listing Abroad, Regional Equity Market, the Role of Off-shore Business in Investment and Financing. Speakers included partner Meng Qingjun, senior partners Ding Xu, Liu Kejiang, Qiu Yuxia and partner Wang Zhilin etc.

The Forum symbolizes the confidence of Taiyuan Office in expanding into high-end legal services of investment and financing, laying a good foundation for the development of the Taiyuan Office.

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