Lawyer Tang Huadong Receives EIA Report on Penglai 19-3 Oil Field from National Bureau of Oceanography

Release time:2013-05-10 17:21

Lawyer Tang Huadong Receives EIA Report on Penglai 19-3 Oil Field from National Bureau of Oceanography

On May 3rd Lawyer Tang Huadong of Beijing DHH (Shanghai) Law Firm received from the National Bureau of Oceanography the EIA Report on the Rectification and Adjustment Project for the Development and Production of Penglai 19-3 Oil Field.

The 27-page Report was prepared by the Research Institute of CNOOC in October 2012. Mr. Tang questioned the independence of the institution which made and issued the Report because it is actually the research center of CNOOC in Beijing. He is also extremely puzzled by the fact that the National Bureau of Oceanography didn’t publish the EIA Report in advance according to legal procedures. He said that Deheng Law Group, after receiving relevant documents applied for release from the National Reform and Development Committee, will organize experts to examine the legitimacy and appropriateness of approving the re-operation of Penglai 19-3 Oil Field. The Group will then take any further steps deemed necessary

On May 7th, Director Ma Yong from the Supervision and Litigation Department of the China Environment Federation visited Beijing DHH Law Firm. He was received by Chairman Luan Shaohu and opinions were exchanged regarding public litigation on environmental issues and the Bohai Bay oil spill accident.

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