Legal Consultant of U.S. Embassy in Beijing Visited Deheng Law Firm

Release time:2014-06-16 15:13

Legal Consultant of U.S. Embassy in Beijing Visited Deheng Law Firm

On Jun. 6th, 2014, legal consultant of U.S. Embassy in Beijing, Mr. Guo Zijun, and his assistant, Ms. Chen Jia, visited Shandong Deheng Law Firm. Accompanied by Mr. Liu Kejiang, Mr. Guo Zijun visited the new office and had a symposium with some partners in Deheng and professors of Qingdao University.

In the afternoon, Mr. Guo Zijun and Ms. Chen Jia visited the west coast office of Deheng, and received a warm welcome of the senior partner, Mr. Zhang Bing, managing director, Mr. Du Zuyue, director of Huangdao District Bureau of Justice, Mr. Che Guizheng, and manager of Huangdao Notary Office, Mr. Ma Zhenbin.

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