Deheng Organized Preservation & Enforcement of Financial Arbitration Forum

Release time:2014-11-17 14:53

Deheng Organized Preservation & Enforcement of Financial Arbitration Forum

In the afternoon of November 14th, 2014, Preservation & Enforcement of Financial Arbitration Forum as well as the second term of Arbitrator Salon of CIETAC was organized by Shandong Deheng Law Firm, a subsidiary of Deheng Law Group, at conference room on the 44th floor of HNA center.

The forum also received grand support from Shandong representative office of CIETAC and Qingdao Commercial Bank Association. The forum was hosted by Li Xuxiu, the first deputy CEO of Deheng Group as well as the director of Deheng Law Firm. The lecturers included the Lin Hong, chief judge of case filing chamber of Qingdao Intermediate People’s court, Lin Xiao, deputy chief judge of the second chamber of civil cases of Shandong Senior People’s court, Yang Fan, senior secretary of CIETAC. Their lecturing topics separately went to practice of preservation and judicial assistance in financial arbitration cases, comprehensive analysis on new types of financial cases, financial arbitration rules and new version of CIETAC arbitration rules. Over hundred guests attended the forum, including several arbitrators of CIETAC, representatives of Qingdao Commercial Bank Association, legal heads of 24 local banks as well as 13 large-scale enterprises and financial lawyers from 12 ally law firms. The forum was very successful.

After the forum, the leaders and guests led by several directors or partners of Deheng visited the new office of Deheng in HNA center. The office environment received high praise from guests as well as Deheng’s culture and management.

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