Mr. Luan Shaohu Was Elected as Vice-president of Qingdao Modern Service Industry Federation

Release time:2015-03-16 14:05

Mr. Luan Shaohu Was Elected as Vice-president of Qingdao Modern Service Industry Federation

March 11th, the founding conference of Qingdao Modern Service Industry Federation and the first session of the Council was held in the conference center of Qingdao Municipal Government.Municipal Standing Committee and deputy mayor Mr. Niu Junxian, director of the Committee of Development of Qingdao Mr. Zhu Peiji, director of the Service Industry Development Burea Mr. Zhang Xudong, and the prior city leader Mr. Ma Ze were present at the meeting. More than 80 representatives from modern service enterprises of the city were elected as Board members. Mr. Luan Shao, the chairman of Deheng Law Group, was elected as vice-president of the Federation. Mr. Zhang Yufeng, the president of Qingdao Engineering Consulting Institute, was elected as president of the Federation.

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