DHH Moscow Office Opened a Column in Journal of Moscow-Beijing

Release time:2016-04-15 09:43

DHH Moscow Office Opened a Column in Journal of Moscow-Beijing

March 4, Ms. Yuan Yi (the director of Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office), Mr. Lu Sentong (the deputy director of Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office) and lawyers Shi Baili, Leng Shuai and Maxim visited the office of the journal of Moscow-Beijing. And they were warmly welcomed by the editor of the journal.
Ms. Yuan Yi introduced DHH Moscow office to the journal staff and expressed the intention to establish the cooperation between Moscow office and the journal of Moscow-Beijing at the conference.
The editor also introduced their journal to the visitors. Moscow-Beijing’s publishment has great significance on Sino-Russian trade cooperation. Currently, the relationship between China and Russia is at an all-time high, and media plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the development of bilateral relations. Moscow-Beijing would become a platform to enhance the mutual understanding and consensus in the future, making contributions to bilateral relations. The positive information about Sino-Russian local customs and practices in both the Chinese and Russian versions would help the two countries in building up good images and getting closer to one another.
After the conference, Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office did cooperated with the journal substantively to start a column in Moscow-Beijing, which helps Chinese enterprise in looking for greater access to Russia’s vast market and exploring potential business partners.
As the first Chinese law firm to dispatch domestic licensed lawyers to Russia, Beijing DHH Law Firm Moscow Office is determined to bring Chinese legal culture abroad and offers help to Chinese enterprises in Russia in accordance with the “One Belt and One Road ” strategy.

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