Mr. Xing Yijiu and Mr. Zhang Xintong Counseled China’s First Religious Case

Release time:2015-08-06 10:21

Mr. Xing Yijiu and Mr. Zhang Xintong Counseled China’s First Religious Case

Recently, Hainan TV news channel "news story" program broadcasts episodes on China’s first religious case—the "Haikou Lingshan temple reconstruction case". As the legal counselors of Haikou Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Counsel, Mr. Xing Yijiu and Mr. Zhang Xintong accepted commission and helped Linshen Temple resolve disputes and protect their rights. They also accepted an exclusive interview of the column and gave a comprehensive interpretation on the whole story of the case and details of the agency as well. 
In process of handling cases referring to religions, Mr. Zhang Xintong (Lawyer of DHH Law Firm (Haikou) Office) gives critical analysis on the specialty of this case and illustrates several requirements set for lawyers when handling religious cases, such as  understanding the referred religious rituals and customs, avoiding risks in contract, conciliating relations between the authorities and religious activities holders, preventing excessive involvement into disputes from the authorities, and making agile use of religion to resolve disputes with ration and efficiency. As experts in Buddhism legal services, Mr. Xing Yijiu and Mr. Zhang Xintong are skilled in religious affairs especially in resolving complex cases and have made great efforts in aspects such as safeguarding religious rights and interests and protecting legitimate rights of citizens.

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