Beijing DHH Law Firm is officially Launched in CBD International Tower in Beijing

Release time:2010-12-17 11:50
On December 17, 2010, the opening ceremony of Beijing DHH Law Firm was held on the 16th Floor of CBD International Tower in Beijing. Close to one hundred guests attended the ceremony, among whom included Professor Ping Jiang, one of the most prestigious Chinese legal scholar, Mr. Kyle D. Latimer, Resident Legal Adviser of the US Embassy in China, Mr. Byung-hwa Lyou, President of Transnational Law and Business University in Korea, and Professor T. Melindah Bush, Director of the China Program at the Temple University School of Law, as well as representatives from domestic and foreign law firms, client companies and major legal media. Mr. Qi Jiang, Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, Mr. Shaohu Luan, Chairman of the Partners’ Meeting, Ms. Ming Hu, Vice Chair of the Partners’ Meeting, Managing Partners Mr. Xuxiu Li and Ms. Wen Zhang attended the ceremony.

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