Deheng Lawyers Win Panda Logo Case

Release time:2013-03-27 11:14
On March 21st General Manager Li Minzhe and Sales Director You Chengyang of the Haiyang Hwail Garment Accessories Co., Ltd. came to Beijing DHH Law Firm. They presented the Firm with a silk banner to express their appreciation for legal services provided by Deheng Lawyers. 
Haiyang Hwail Garment Accessories is a proprietorship enterprise set up by Korean Hwail Chalk Corporation. It has used the trademark PANDA logo for over 20 years and enjoys a great reputation in the industry. Hwail once covered over 80% of the Chinese market, a share which has sharply declined to less than 10% since the Panda  logo was rush-registered in bad faith in China.
Their objection against such registration failed to obtain support. After trying to resolve the problem themselves Haiyang Hwail Garment Accesssories finally entrusted Deheng Lawyers with the dispute. Following an in-depth study of the case lawyer Wang Haijun decided to file a civil lawsuit from the perspective of the conflict between trademark and copyright.  The People’s Court recently ruled that the defendant should immediately stop infringement of the plaintiff’s rights in respect of the Panda logo.    

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