Guests from Thomson Reuters Visit Beijing DHH Law Firm

Release time:2013-04-23 10:04

Guests from Thomson Reuters Visit Beijing DHH Law Firm

The Head of Asia-Pacific Region of Thomson Reuters Ms Jiang Xuemei and the Chief Customer Officer Ms Zhang Yuyu visited Beijing DHH Law Firm. The guests were received by Chairman Luan Shaohu of the Group’s Partners’ Meeting, Managing Partner Zhang Wen, Vice Director Ji Cheng of Beijing DHH Law Firm and Wang Ziyi of the Cooperation Development Center of the Group.

During the meeting Mr. Luan Shaohu recalled the cooperation between both parties, introduced recent developments and future plans of the Group. He hoped the magazine “Asian Legal Business” (ALB) under Thomson Reuters could play more important roles in connecting the Chinese mainland and overseas markets. The guests expressed appreciation for the supports to ALB by Deheng Law Group and hoped for further  cooperation.


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