Beijing DHH Lawyers Attend Second Beijing International Service Trade Fair

Release time:2013-06-20 16:17

Beijing DHH Lawyers Attend Second Beijing International Service Trade Fair

The second Beijing International Service Trade Fair, jointly hosted by the State Ministry of Commerce and the Beijing People’s Government, opened on May 28th. 26,200 participants from 117 countries and regions attended the Fair.

Beijing DHH Law Firm and over a dozen other well-known law firms,  both domestic and overseas promoted their legal services and prevailing practice areas of Chinese lawyers. DHH lawyers received and exchanged views with leaders and guests from the All China Lawyers Association, the Beijing Arbitration Commission, Hong Kong, Hunan Province and Shanxi Province etc.

Chairman Luan Shaohu of the Partners’ Meeting of Deheng Law Group, Senior Partner Liu Kejiang and Director Ji Cheng of the Cooperation and Development Center were also present at the Fair, greeting and advising the duty lawyers there.

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