Lawyer Qiu Yuxia Lectures in Canada on Investment in Canadian High-tech Enterprises by Chinese Enterprises

Release time:2013-08-09 15:32

Lawyer Qiu Yuxia Lectures in Canada on Investment in Canadian High-tech Enterprises by Chinese Enterprises

On July 18, 2014, Ms. Qui Yuxia attended the Forum on Investment in Canadian High-tech Enterprises by Chinese Enterprises in Waterloo, Ontario. The event was jointly held by Beijing DHH Law Firm and its cooperative Canadian law firms Sorbara, Schumacher, and McCann LLP. The Forum invited Mayor Mr. Branda Holloran of Waterloo and Academic, Mr. Li Ming from the Royal Canadian Academy. Chinese private entrepreneurs and Canadian technological innovation talents attended the Forum and discussed such investment related issues as the development of Canadian high-tech enterprises, the risk control of investment in high-tech enterprises by private enterprises, and immigration, etc. Ms. Qiu Yuxia explained the “Implementation Opinions on Encouraging and Guiding Active Overseas Investment by Private Enterprises” and relevant regulations, and introduced the services and experiences of DHH lawyers who assist Chinese enterprises in “ going abroad.” 

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