The First 911 Pro Bono Services Center for Men of Law Trapped in Litigation Opened In Beijing DHH Law Firm

Release time:2013-10-12 10:21

The First 911 Pro Bono Services Center for Men of Law Trapped in Litigation Opened In Beijing DHH Law Firm

On September 11 the first 911 Pro Bono Services Center in China for Men of Law Trapped in Litigation (hereinafter referred to as “the Center”) opened in Beijing DHH Law Firm. The Center was initiated by Chairman Luan Shaohu of Deheng Law Group who donated RMB 91.1 thousand yuan for the establishment of the Center. As a pro bono service platform the Center is in the charge of the Litigation Team led by lawyer Mao Hongtao, senior partner of Deheng Law Group, Standing Executive Deputy Director of DHH Law Firm and National Outstanding Lawyer. 

The Center aims at providing high quality and highly efficient pro bono legal services in urgent need by individuals of law such as justices, prosecutors, police, lawyers, legal reporters, legal professors etc who inadvertanty get involved in criminal, civil or administrative litigation.

The Center has a director and two deputy director and is comprised of more than 30 lawyers respectively specializing in criminal, civil or administrative practice. An expert advisory team composed of well-known legal experts, lawyers and journalists will also be formed to provide strong academic and media support for the Center. Taking Beijing as its core the Center is to provide legal service to the above mentioned individuals across China, for which a special consulting helpline (010) 85219911 has been established.

At a Symposium on the Implementation of Social Pro Bono Legal Service Programs held on August 28 Secretary-general Zhou Yuansheng of the ACLA stressed the importance of promoting the construction of pro bono legal service centers by integrating resources and innovating service types and methods. Lawyers, justices, prosecutors and the police form the legal professional community, playing different roles. The establishment of the Center is a call on all lawyers to provide legal services to all individuals of law in urgent need, so as to promote the advancement of the rule of law and safeguard citizens’ legitimate rights and interests.  


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