Lawyer Mao Hongtao on Cover of “Chinese Lawyer” magazine

Release time:2013-11-27 09:40

Lawyer Mao Hongtao on Cover of “Chinese Lawyer” magazine

In November Mr Mao Hongtao, a National Outstanding Lawyer, Senior Partner of Deheng Law Group and Deputy Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, became the cover story of the 11th issue of the magazine “Chinese Lawyer” . An article titled “ focusing on Criminal Defense to Create Excellence” narrated in detail Mr Mao’s 16 years of law practice from the perspectives of experience, achievements, social responsibility and future development direction.

“Chinese Lawyer”, under the Ministry of Justice and sponsored by the All China Lawyers Association, is one of the most authoritative national legal monthlies, with lawyers as core readers. As one of the most influential legal magazines in China it frequently reports and comments on outstanding law firms, lawyers and topical legal news.


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