RBC Visited Beijing DHH Law Firm

Release time:2011-03-03 15:16

On March 3, 2011, officers from Royal Bank of Canada (hereinafter referred to as “RBC”) visited Beijing DHH Law Firm, among whom were Mr. Yang Minghua, Managing Director of RBC Asia and President of International Wealth Management (Asia), Mr. Wu Daoheng, Managing Director of RBC Trust Company (Asia) Limited and RBC Investment Management (Asia) Limited and Mrs. Ren Xuemei, Chief Representative of RBC Investment Services (Asia) Ltd., Beijing Representative Office.  Ms. Qiu Yuxia, Senior partner of Beijing DHH Law Firm, received the guests together with Ms. Li Shuang and Ms. Fan Lin, respectively Vice-President and Senior Business Development Manager of Vigers Appraisal and Consulting Ltd., a business partner of Beijing DHH Law Firm.

The guests of RBC first gave an introduction about the development background of RBC, its position in global financial industry, as well as its development strategies all over the world, especially in China, and introduced in detail about their expertise in financial trust.  During the meeting, the three parties also had an in-depth and productive discussion on the future cooperation among RBC, DHH and assets management agencies in China.

(NOTE: As the largest financial institution in Canada, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) has very solid financial strength and ranks top 5 in North America and top 15 all over the world in its market value, and is one of the financial institutions with the highest credit rating in the world. )

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