DHH Lawyers Visiting the Supreme Court of Indiana State, School of Law-Indianapolis IUPU and Ice Miller LLP

Release time:2011-11-03 15:06
Ms. Qiu Yuxia, Executive Deputy Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm (an associated brand of Deheng Law Firm) and Mr. Liu Sen, liaison representative of Washington Representative Office of Deheng Law Firm visited the supreme court of Indiana State, the School of Law-Indianapolis IUPU and Ice Miller LLP on October 28th 2011.  They were warmly welcome by Judge Steven David, who explained the judicial system of Indiana State to the visitors.  At the School of Law-Indianapolis IUPU, Professor Lloyd T•Wilson send his gratitude to DHH Law Firm for acceptance of summer interns of LLM students from IUPU and expressed the intent of further cooperation.  Mr. Phillip L. Bayt, Managing Partner of Ice Miller LLP, and Ms. Qiu Yuxia, introduced their firms to each other and expressed their determination to strengthen the future cooperation between the two firms in relation to Sino-American legal practice.  Ice Miller LLP is one of the leading business law firms in Indiana State, with the history of over 100 years.

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