The Representatives of the US-China Legal Network visited Beijing DHH

Release time:2010-10-25 15:03

October 20, 2011, four senior attorneys of the US-China Legal Network visited Beijing DHH Law Firm. The guests were received by Qiu Yuxia, Senior Partner of Deheng Law Firm, and Deputy Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm. Four lawyers made presentations of US laws regarding Investment immigration law, Inheritance tax law, Dispute resolution, Jurisdiction, Real-estate etc.  The guests also communicated with DHH lawyers and invited clients.

The US-China Legal Network has over 80 lawyers, and its practice area covers civil lawsuit, commercial dispute, company law, intellectual property, securities, international finance, real-estate, and taxation law etc. The US-China Legal Network wishes to establish a partnership between US lawyers and Chinese lawyers to provide quality legal services to clients in two countries.

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