Beijing DHH Law Firm Was Rated as “Excellent Service Agency” in Intellectual Property Category

Release time:2015-07-27 11:34
On July 10th, 2015, Beijing DHH Law Firm was awarded the medal of “Excellent Service Agency” by the Intellectual Property Bureau of Chaoyang District, Beijing. Last year, the Intellectual Property Bureau of Chaoyang District began its selecting procedure in term of “Excellent Service Agency” according to related regulations. After a series of process such as recommendation, interview and public notification, the Intellectual Property Team of Beijing DHH Law Firm stood out from hundreds of other service agencies and won the honor of “Excellent Service Agency”, due to its professional, efficient legal services in all extents of intellectual property including patent, trademark, copyright, etc. and the high praise given by clients.
The Intellectual Property Team of Beijing DHH Law Firm has patent agent qualification approved by the State Intellectual Property Bureau Of the PRC and landmark agent qualification approved by the Trademark Office of The State Administration For Industry & Commence of the PPC. With excellent intellectual property lawyers and patent agents, the team can provide clients with litigation and non-litigation legal services in fields such as patent, landmark, copyright, trade secrets, unfair competition and anti-trust. In the meantime, building intellectual property systems according to clients’ customized needs and other legal services related to intellectual property are also the edges of the team.

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