Jiang Qi Attended the Ninth Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Festival and Made a Speech

Release time:2015-09-28 10:02

Jiang Qi Attended the Ninth Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Festival and Made a Speech


September 24 and 25, 2015, The Ninth Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Festival of People’s Republic of China was held in Changchun. The festival was cosponsored by China Association Small and Medium Enterprises (CASME) and government of Changchun, Jilin, and was supported by NDRC, MIIT, MOFCOM and government of Jilin province. Representatives from small and medium-sized enterprises and related Competent departments and media journalists from nationwide attended this festival as well. Mr. Jiang Qi (President of Deheng Law Group and director of Beijing DHH Law Firm) attended the festival and made a speech.

Mr. Jiang Qi introduced the success of the Legal Consultant Committee of CASME to audiences, and highlighted “China Chief Legal Officer Union”, which was established in Changchun during the festival. “China Chief Legal Officer Union” was launched by the Legal Consultant Committee of CASME and China In-house Counsel Research Institute. It is an industry and non-profit social group, voluntarily composed by in-house counsels, senior managers, and judicial professionals of the legal community. Meanwhile, Mr. Jiang Qi illustrated the O2O platform of “China Chief Legal Officer Union”, named as “Intelligent In-house Counsel”. By exploring high-efficiency function for in-house counsels, this platform attracts millions of in-house attorneys and senior managers of enterprises from nationwide. Mr. Jiang Qi interpreted that the “Intelligent In-house Counsel” platform will not only cover the vertical intermediate business, but also act as a free intelligent office platform, providing users basic legal services, helping users deal with practical issues and core problems , and offering users a  convenient and fast OA office system. This platform intends to provide in-house attorneys, managers and legal officers a channel to communicate, share resources, interact and learn.



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