Beijing DHH Law Firm Officially Joined SCG Legal

Release time:2015-11-03 09:52

Beijing DHH Law Firm Officially Joined SCG Legal

October 29, Beijing DHH Law Firm officially joined the SCG International Law Firm Union (hereinafter referred to as "SCG Legal") as the last member of mainland China. President of SCG Legal sent a congratulation message.
It is significant for the internationalization process of Beijing DHH Law Firm to join the SCG Legal. SCG Legal was launched by 17 most powerful law firms of the United States, and was evaluated as one of the top law firm unions in Chambers USA 2015 Edition. Presently, there are 149 preeminent independent law firms located in 82 countries around the world, totally more than 11000 attorneys in SCG Legal. Different from other law firm unions, SCG Legal adopts strict selection and quality controlling rules to insure that their members are international leading law firms.
With the waves of Chinese enterprises' going out, the demands for overseas legal services of Chinese enterprises increase dramatically. Joining SCG Legal is a strong step for Deheng Law Group in providing international legal services.
As one of the top 20 law firms in Asian and the founding law firm of the largest domestic cross-region legal services cooperation platforms, Elite Chinese Legal Alliance (ECLA), Beijing DHH Law Firm's presence of SCG Legal can better satisfy the demands for Chinese legal services of SCG Legal members and promote cooperation and achieve mutual benefits.

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