"2016 Chinese Enterprises' Debt Management in Russia Forum" Was Held in Beijing

Release time:2016-03-23 16:27

On the afternoon of March 18, “2016 Chinese Enterprises’ Debt Management in Russia Forum” organized by Legal Service Center of China Small and Medium Enterprises Association and Beijing DHH law firm was held in Beijing office of DHH. The guests from China Small and Medium Enterprises Association, General Administration of Customs, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, financial institutions and foreign trade enterprises attended the forum. The forum was hosted by Ms. Zhao Jing (the partner of Beijing DHH law firm and director of customs business team). Mr. Jiang Qi (senior specialist in customs business, the director of Legal Service Center of China Small and Medium Enterprises Association and president of Deheng Law Group), Mr. Sergey Slagoda (partner of Russian S&K Vertical Law Firm) and Mr. Liu Kejiang (director of Beijing DHH Law Firm) gave speeches respectively.

The Legal Service Center of China Small and Medium Enterprises Association organized the forum on the background of massive foreign debt disputes happened to Chinese enterprises in Russia. The forum is to alert Chinese enterprises to the business and legal risks when develop economic ties with Russia, and give an opportunity to fully discuss the debts recourse, remedies and risk precautions.
The senior specialist of General Administration of Customs gave a speech on the topic of “the legal risks and precautions of the customs declaration for export commodities”. From both the macroscopic and microscopic views, the expert interpreted the customs legal regulations and policies on export tax rebates, and gave directions on customs declaration and legal risk precautions for false trade.
The senior specialist in customs business, the director of Legal Service Center of  China Small and Medium Enterprise Association and president of Deheng Law Group, Mr. Jiang Qi explained the international trade frauds and anti-frauds cases on the topic of “the legal issues on the L/C and independent guarantee frauds in Sino-Russian trade”. Mr. Jiang pointed out that “the Sino-Russian trade is facing with unprecedented challenges with the frequent occurrence of L/C frauds and malicious claims”. He also said that every Chinese enterprise should pay more attention on self-protection and fraud prevention before they go abroad doing business.
The partner of Russian S&K Vertical Law Firm, Mr. Sergey Slagoda gave a speech on the topic of “Russian debts collection”. He expounded the measures and procedures of debt collection, especially the Russian ligations and arbitrations, as well as the debt collection in insolvency.
The director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, Mr. Liu Kejiang introduced the resolutions on international trade disputes, the legal framework for the trade disputes, the regulations on court jurisdiction in solving foreign trade disputes, and need-to-know for parties in foreign cases.
Later in the discussion, the guests shared their ideas on the hot issues in Russian investment, trade and service with each other. The guest from China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation introduced the features of Sino-Russian trade disputes, and shared the experience on how to reduce economic losses effectively and feasibly when business partners break the contracts with rejection of goods or nonpayment.
The forum which was hosted by China and Russian Small and Medium Enterprise Associations was to warm up some serial activities with a focus on Chinese enterprises making their ways to Russia, which means a lot for promoting bilateral trade and keeping order in business area.

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