Yao Kefeng Attended Shanghai International Arbitration Week

Release time:2016-05-06 09:41

Yao Kefeng Attended Shanghai International Arbitration Week

March 8, Mr. Yao Kefeng, senior partner of Beijing DHH Law Firm and vice director of intellectual property business team, attended the “Intellectual Property and Internet Arbitration Sub Forum” which held in Shanghai International Arbitration Week. The forum was organized by Qingdao Arbitration Commission.
As an arbitrator from Qingdao and Wuhan Arbitration Commissions, Mr. Yao Kefeng gave a speech on the topic of “the discussion on intellectual property disputes on the Internet” and shared the features and tips in intelligence property disputes happened on the Internet, which earned unanimous praise from the attendees.
Mr. Yao Kefeng has handled many intellectual property cases with huge influence in China, such as the first unfair competition case which involved an internet drama and a variety show, the first Set Top Box copyright case and the first unfair competition case with the application of the safe harbor rule.

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