Fu Xiye Was Elected as a Member of Legal Documents Research Council of the China Law Society

Release time:2016-09-24 13:40
On 24th September, the third congress of Legal Documents Research Council of China Law Society was successfully held in Beijing. During the meeting, Fu xiye, senior partner of Beijing DHH law Firm, was elected as the committee member of the council.
The Legal Documents Research Council of China Law Society, as a specilized research council, was found in 2006 and staffed by experts whom chronically worked on legislation,  Judicial and legal education. The council mainly engaged in application research on legal documents utilized by court, procuratorate, public security bureau, lawyer, prison and notary office etc.

Fu Xiye is a senior partner of Beijing DHH Law Firm, director of the corporate assets management team, member of the ACLA Economic Committee, exellent lawyer of Shandong province and senior lecturer of Dian Jing Legal Traning Institute. He is also the author of two lawbooks which are Practice Guides on the Legal Risks of Products Flaws and 33 Lectures on Enterprises’ Contract Management. 

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