Happy Teacher’s Day——We paid a visited to Pro. Ping Jiang

Release time:2021-09-18 15:07
With the Mid-Autumn Festival and Teacher's Day approaching, led by Ning Zhu, Deputy Managing Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, Fatima Mahemuti, Chief Partner, Shan Luan, Director of Global Business Dispatching Center, and Lena, Dongliang Liu and other members of DHH paid a visit to Prof. Ping Jiang, one of the greatest jurius scholars of China University of Political Science and Law. We were warmly welcomed there.
DHH's Russian team gathered over 10 professional members graduated from prestigious Russian law school: Miss Lena, Consultant of DHH, graduated from Moscow University, her scholar experience brought Prof. Jiang back to 70 years ago. Prof. Jiang recalled: "I was enrolled in the Faculty of Law of Moscow University in 1951. At that time, only 12 students were selected in China and I was one of them. We only got Financial aid of 500 Rubles monthly, but we insisted on studying hard."
As an old friend of DHH Law Firm, Prof. Jiang has been paying attention to law firms development. He always makes valuable suggestions to Chinese legal progress.

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