DHH and GAFTA Hold a Seminar Regarding to Grain Trade

Release time:2021-07-01 15:09

Recently, Beijing DHH Law Firm ("DHH") and the Grain and Feed Trade Association ("GAFTA") held the legal seminar of “Grain Trade Risk and Prevention". Participants from the different perspectives of arbitration institutions, academia and lawyers, discussed the issues of concern in the industry for food and feed trade enterprises and related people.
Yajun DING, chief representative of GAFTA China, introduced GAFTA's history, purpose of establishment, organizational structure, dispute resolution methods and contract terms. GAFTA is an international trade organization with a history of 135 years, a leading arbitration organization with over 1,900 member units in more than 90 countries. GAFTA mainly resolves trade disputes for its member units and promotes grain and feed trade.
Professor Sibao SHEN , a well-known jurist and chairman of the GAFTA China Trade Commission, interpreted No. 125 arbitration rules of GAFTA and analyzed its unique "Third Instance".
Lawyer Kejiang LIU, senior partner of DHH, took four well-known  arbitration institutions as instances to introduce the status of industry arbitration. He concentrated on the uniqueness GAFTA. 
Professor Shimin LI, director of the International Commodity Trade Research Center of Beijing Technology and Business University, arbitrators of GAFTA, FOSFA and CIETAC. He focused on the four keywords of "contract", "arbitration", "Covid-19", and "transaction technology". He shared practical experience of arbitration, and put forward practical suggestions for enterprises.
Lawyer Keke LIU, senior co-partner of DHH, analyzed the compliance risks and cases of grain and oil import trade from the perspective of customs affairs, based on the big data of grain and feed import and export, and related compliance requirements for entry and exit.
Later, in the round-table discussion. Qi Jiang, management partner of DHH made the summary speech.
DHH holds such seminars with GAFTA regularly. DHH pays attention to industry issues and trends, and prompts risks and provides suggestions for relevant enterprises. This seminar was conducted in the form of offline salons and online live broadcasts. Over 600 people attended the seminar. The host of the seminar was Dr. Shan LUAN, Executive Vice President of DHH.
As a legal profession in the trade of grain, feed, meat, oilseeds, cotton and other bulk agricultural products, DHH Law Firm has been deeply involved in the legal services of international trade compliance, customs, financing, risk control and dispute resolution.

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