The International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Forum was successfully held in the context of dual cycles

Release time:2020-11-13 10:57
A few days ago, the "International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Forum in the Context of Dual Cycles" was grandly held on the fifth floor of the Shangri-La office building in Jinan. The forum was hosted by the China Chamber of International Commerce Shandong Chamber of Commerce, Beijing DHH Law Firm, and Beijing DHH (Jinan) Law Firm and Shandong Deheng (Jinan) Law Firm. The forum adopts the "offline + online" model, attracting a large number of industry insiders to communicate and interact. More than 50 people attended the conference on-site and more than 300 people attended the conference online to discuss international commercial arbitration and mediation offline and online.

The opening ceremony of "International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Forum in the Context of Dual Cycles" was presided over by Liang Maoqing, senior partner of Deheng Law Group and Executive Director of Deheng Jinan Office. Dr. Liu Kejiang, Executive Vice President of Deheng Law Group and Director of Beijing Deheng Law Firm, and Dr. Luan Shan, Executive Vice President of Deheng Law Group and Director of Business Dispatching Center, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.



After the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation agreement between the China Chamber of International Commerce Shandong Chamber of Commerce and Beijing DHH (Jinan) Law Firm, the forum gave a keynote speech on "International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation", which attracted partners from many law firms with active participation of people and lawyer representatives, many entrepreneurs, professors, experts and scholars.

Dr. Liu Kejiang, Executive Vice President of Deheng Law Group and Director of Beijing DHH Law Firm, opened the keynote speech on "Review of Hot Issues in International Commercial Arbitration". In this speech, Dr. Liu Kejiang explained the status of China’s foreign investment and trade and the status of Shandong enterprises’ foreign investment and trade, compared and analyzed the British dispute resolution system, introduced SEAT, anti-suit injunctions and other systems, and pointed out our country in the protection of foreign economic and trade interests can learn from the place.

Dr. Zhan Hui from Beijing DHH Law Firm gave a keynote speech on "New Trends and New Challenges in Judicial Review of Arbitration". Dr. Zhan Hui first analyzed the status of judicial review of arbitration awards, and put forward considerations on the cause of the system of revocation of arbitration awards. By analyzing the relationship between arbitration and court enforcement, he explained "using false arbitration to evade enforcement cases" and arbitrating intellectual property rights with long-term outlook.

Yue Bo, director of Beijing DHH (Jinan) Law Firm and the Department of Transnational Investment and M&A, gave a keynote speech on "International Commercial Arbitration Cost Management". Director Yue Bo explained the cost composition of international commercial arbitration, payment and refund, cost comparison, and cost management, and shared in-depth international commercial arbitration cost management.

Cheng Huaer, professor of Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology and senior consultant of Beijing DHH Law Firm, gave a keynote speech on "Insights from Mediation". In this speech, Professor Cheng Huaer analyzed the commercial arbitration dispute mediation case between Tianjin company and Beijing state-owned enterprise that she represented and shared her experience in mediating international commercial disputes with the guests.

In the keynote speech "Legal Unspoken Rules in Arbitration", lawyer Sun Jing from Beijing DHH Law Firm cut into the theme through 4 cases and pointed out that arbitration rules are only "clear rules", and a large number of procedural operation norms are based on "hidden rules". ", and explain why there are a lot of "hidden rules" in arbitration and the "hidden rules" that we should focus on.

In the keynote speech on the "Reopening of Foreign-related Arbitration in China", Zhao Lanming of Beijing DHH (Jinan) Law Firm introduced the title of three classic cases, namely Long Lide, Dacheng Property and Brentwood, pointing out that China's foreign-related arbitration will be opened wider to the outside world, the economic circulation will be expanded correspondingly, and China is accelerating to become a major arbitration country. 

Finally, Duan Zhigang, senior partner of Deheng Law Group and director of Beijing DHH (Jinan) Law Firm, made a concluding speech on this forum. Director Duan Zhigang first expressed his gratitude to the six presenters for their wonderful sharing, and to the lawyers, experts, and professors participating in the conference for their strong support for this forum, and the China Chamber of International Commerce Shandong Chamber of Commerce for providing the Beijing DHH (Jinan) Law Firm gratitude for this development platform. Director Duan Zhigang pointed out that Chinese companies are constantly going global and international commercial arbitration under the dual-cycle background, bringing unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the development of Chinese companies. To seize opportunities and meet challenges, Deheng Law Group will work with China International Chamber of Commerce Shandong The Chamber of Commerce to provide enterprises with professional and high-quality services to help Chinese enterprises move towards a better tomorrow!


The "International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Forum under the Dual Cycle Background" was successfully concluded with the warm applause of the guests and participants. Through this forum, it laid a solid foundation for the future cooperation between Deheng Law Group and China Chamber of International Commerce Shandong Chamber of Commerce . After the forum, all members took a group photo on the first floor of the Shangri-La office building.

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