DHH Moscow Lawyer Participated in the Financial Forum of the Russian Federation of Industrial Entrepreneurs

Release time:2020-10-20 16:02
On October 7th, as a member of the Russian Federation of Industrial Entrepreneurs, DHH Moscow Lawyer was invited to participate in the "Russian Financial-Bank System: Facing Crisis" forum held by the Russian Federation of Industrial Entrepreneurs. Chairman of the Financial Market Committee of the Russian State Duma Аксаков Анатолий Геннадьевич, Director of the Financial Policy Department of the Russian Ministry of Finance Чебесков Иван Александрович, Director of the Consumer Rights Protection Department of the Russian Central Bank Мамута Мичнил Валеч, Chairman of the Moscow Stock Exchange and a number of large banks Representatives spoke at the forum to discuss the development direction of the Russian financial industry.

Speech by Shaoxing, Russian Federation of Industrial Entrepreneurs

At the forum, Аксаков, chairman of the Duma Financial Market Committee, proposed that the epidemic will promote the digitalization of the financial industry as a driving force, and predicted that digital currency-related laws will be introduced in 2021. Денисов, chairman of the board of directors of the Mozambique Stock Exchange, introduced the rapid growth of the Russian securities market since 2020 in the form of data comparison. Among them, natural persons, as securities investors, have seen significant growth since entering the epidemic.

Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Stock Exchange Денисов Юрий Олегович

Мамута, director of the Consumer Protection Department of the Russian Central Bank, gave a more detailed introduction to the financial support projects of Russian SMEs. He mentioned that to support the development of SMEs, special loans for SMEs, asset securitization expansion of loans, and digital support for financial services have been implemented. Digital support will promote the sound development of transparency in financial services and fair market competition.

Чебесков, Director of the Financial Policy Department of the Russian Ministry of Finance mentioned that the development of the capital market and the construction of the infrastructure of the securities market is one of the most important tasks of the Russian financial market. At present, a large number of large Russian companies have raised funds to choose overseas markets. It is a pity that the domestic market needs to be developed.

Director of the Financial Policy Department of the Russian Ministry of Finance Чебесков Иван Александрович

On the other hand, banking institutions represented by the Russian Foreign Trade Bank have more conservative opinions regarding the ongoing digitalization of the financial industry, as well as the securities and fund industries that are currently developing too fast. Потапов, President of Capital Investment of VTB, believes that long-term and stable financial development requires policy makers and financial support institutions to establish an effective dialogue mechanism for financing qualified investors.

Потапов Владимир Михайлович, President of Capital Investment, VTB

Compared with our country, Russian financial market is at a relatively slow stage of development. The important reason is that financial regulatory policies are relatively conservative, so the current global financial instruments, including asset securitization, are still at a relatively early stage. However, the occurrence and continuation of the epidemic has provided impetus for the loosening and reform of Russian financial policies, and also provided more opportunities for Chinese investors.

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