Li Ying from Beijing DHH International Intellectual Property Team was invited to teach science and technology talents in Zhuhai High-tech Zone

Release time:2020-09-02 16:11
Beijing DHH International Intellectual Property Team Li Ying accepted the invitation of Zhuhai Tianhao Zhicheng Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. to participate in Zhuhai High-tech Zone and made a lecture of "Intellectual Property Protection for Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industries" "Strategy and business management problems and solutions" .

Li Ying did a detailed introduction on the patent layout of the key industries - semiconductor, integrated circuit industry, intellectual property protection strategy and business management problems and solutions. Semiconductor and integrated circuit are patent- intensive fields with frequent infringement of intellectual property rights, so the patent layout and protection strategy are particularly important. At the same time, when developing patent layout, enterprises shall also take overall consideration, not only the layout and protection of patents, but also the protection of enterprise trade secrets and unique forms of IPR protection, such as copyright protection, so as to form a complete IPR defense system.

Zhuhai National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, which was established in 1992 with the approval of the State Council, is one of the 54 national high-tech zones in the country. The Park Area, with software R&D enterprises as the main body, is a high- tech industry corridor integrating industry, education and research. 

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